Welcome to Market Revolution's blog

Thank you for visiting Market Revolution's blog.

We live and work in exciting times - revolutionary times. Technology continues to recast the media industry.

The extraordinary advance of affordable personal digital technology and the stellar rise of social networks are both distrupting and transforming the media market making this a unique moment to be involved in the convergence sectors we focus on.

This is also our place to ruminate and comment on the world as we see it, we hope you enjoy and please join in.

Monday 30 May 2022

Tango-school El Corazon / Inschrijven

Tijd: 30.05.2022 20:03:42

Vrijdag, Gev. Neo/Trad., Den Bosch, 21:00-22:30
22 April 2022 t/m 5 Juli 2022

Lesgeld € 190,- dient vóór aanvang cursus/lessen betaald te worden (uiterlijk op 1e lesdag) Betaling per bank: Rabo bank Nijmegen 171.958.799 t.n.v. Tangoschool El Corazón onder vermelding van: voor en achternaam – lesdag - dansniveau.

Naam: 💙 Gina want to play with you! Start Play: https://sweetgirl22.page.link/c2Sd?jed 💙
Achternaam: dll9kc
Email: sangalaki.judy@blogger.com
Telefoon: 604734134243

Adres: vzdi9q
Woonplaats: a59v1z
Postcode: mvywzb

Geboortedatum: co3e7i
Partner: txusop

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