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We live and work in exciting times - revolutionary times. Technology continues to recast the media industry.

The extraordinary advance of affordable personal digital technology and the stellar rise of social networks are both distrupting and transforming the media market making this a unique moment to be involved in the convergence sectors we focus on.

This is also our place to ruminate and comment on the world as we see it, we hope you enjoy and please join in.

Tuesday 31 July 2007

Rupert Murdoch

Interesting that the Dow Jones and WSJ deal continues to rumble on, with deadlines slipping, and Rupert seeming unable to make it happen just the way he wants it.

He's offering a premium, but emotion seems to be dominating certain of the family members. If it stalls, will be interesting to see what Plan B is - the next target in line for a large bid. Will the FT be on his agenda?

Time will tell.

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